Finding candidates isn’t easy when you spend hours sifting through applications and resumes. For talented candidates, evaluating and interviewing the applications can take weeks, and you may still come up empty-handed. Use our employer services, and allow Ankenbrandt Group to find the Right Candidates and the Right Fit for your business.
Our Commitment Comes With Experience & Expertise.
We represent candidates you may not otherwise be able to access. Our hiring recruiters utilize over a dozen sourcing techniques, including our exclusive database of candidates that we have developed since 1982.
We are known for finding new talent for fast-growing companies building their teams. Also, we excel at finding those “needle in the haystack” candidates. – We Recruit Professional People for Exceptional Companies.
Professional Employer Services
We believe in meeting our candidates face-to-face or via webcam whenever possible. We do a comprehensive screening and interview to vet fully and properly match our candidates to your organization. We educate our candidates and serve as a brand advocating for your company. We find the people that fit your company’s culture and team’s style.
Ankenbrandt Group takes pride in being a trusted and valued long-term partner and helping enhance your business.
Career Coaching with Heidi
Heidi enjoys uncovering tricks of the recruiting trade to deliver insights that candidates may never find otherwise. She breaks barriers, drives insights, and partners in a genuine, client-focused manner to swiftly build new horizons.
She has supported candidates at every career level, from finding their first job after college to taking on advanced executive roles.
We Deliver Results
Ankenbrandt Group believes to be a successful
recruitment agency is how we qualify individuals
that best fits your situation. The candidates presented for your search parameters may be from any referral sources, and each will meet the required skill set. Our Career Advisors are proud of our hands-on approach to each need, each search, and every individual.
We’ve earned our reputation as a top executive firm by identifying leaders in critical departments of successful companies over and over again. Our vision and ideal client relationship are long-term in nature.
Why Ankenbrant Group
- We partner with our clients to develop and communicate to attract top-tier talent who fit our clients’ teams.
- We don’t try to be all things to all people; we recruit professionals in sales, marketing, real estate, accounting, IT, and other operations.
- We employ a blended executive recruiting strategy that leverages our extensive database, social media, referrals, networking, and direct sourcing.
- We work with our clients to create a unique and attractive job description.
- We thoroughly screen every candidate through our executive recruiter-approved, extensive process.
View Heidi’s Blog
Splitworld is full of career advice, articles, and insight into my world of recruiting and being a mom.
To Submit your Resume,
Call us at (949) 955-1455
Our Industries
Here are the departments our specialized executive recruiters have successfully placed new teammates:
Real Estate & Construction
Sales & Marketing
Accounting & Finance
Information Technology
Ankenbrandt Group takes excellent responsibility for finding the appropriate candidate very personally because we want our hard work to pay off for our clients. Also, we want your company to run stronger because of the talent we’ve provided.
Call Us For More Information & To
Submit your Resume at (949) 955-1455
]The Ankenbrandt Group – PO Box 1661, Tarpon Springs, FL 34688
For Job Assistance, Resume Help, and Career Advice. Check out Heidi’s blog, Splitworld.

Welcome to The Ankenbrandt Group
Finding candidates isn’t easy when you spend hours sifting through applications and resumes. For talented candidates, evaluating and interviewing the applications can take weeks, and you may still come up empty-handed. Use our employer services, and allow Ankenbrandt Group to find the Right Candidates and the Right Fit for your business.
Professional Employer Services
We believe in meeting our candidates face-to-face or via webcam whenever possible. We do a comprehensive screening and interview to vet fully and properly match our candidates to your organization. We educate our candidates and serve as a brand advocating for your company. We find the people that fit your company’s culture and team’s style.
Ankenbrandt Group takes pride in being a trusted and valued long-term partner and helping enhance your business.
Career Coaching with Heidi
Heidi enjoys uncovering tricks of the recruiting trade to deliver insights that candidates may never find otherwise. She breaks barriers, drives insights, and partners in a genuine, client-focused manner to swiftly build new horizons.
She has supported candidates at every career level, from finding their first job after college to taking on advanced executive roles.
We Deliver Results
Ankenbrandt Group believes to be a successful
recruitment agency is how we qualify individuals
that best fits your situation. The candidates presented for your search parameters may be from any referral sources, and each will meet the required skill set. Our Career Advisors are proud of our hands-on approach to each need, each search, and every individual.
We’ve earned our reputation as a top executive firm by identifying leaders in critical departments of successful companies over and over again. Our vision and ideal client relationship are long-term in nature.
Why Ankenbrant Group
- We partner with our clients to develop and communicate to attract top-tier talent who fit our clients’ teams.
- We don’t try to be all things to all people; we recruit professionals in sales, marketing, real estate, accounting, IT, and other operations.
- We employ a blended executive recruiting strategy that leverages our extensive database, social media, referrals, networking, and direct sourcing.
- We work with our clients to create a unique and attractive job description.
- We thoroughly screen every candidate through our executive recruiter-approved, extensive process.
View Heidi’s Blog
Splitworld is full of career advice, articles, and insight into my world of recruiting and being a mom.