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From the Bullpen – Get executive recruiting news and valuable insight that you can use to align for success in your career or your business. The Ankenbrandt Group is a leader in executive recruitment and consulting. We specialize in aligning talented executives in fields such as accounting, finance, real estate, marketing, and more with premier companies.
From the Bullpen
Career Tips for seeking your next job or ideal candidate by Dave Ankenbrandt. We look forward to working with you,
Contact us (949) 955-1455.
How to work with a Recruiter
When you call in the office please identify yourself. For example, “Joe Smith for Dave Ankenbrandt.” We get so many calls a day we need you to give us your first and last name. Dave knows a lot of Joe’s!
Bring your resume when you meet us.
Turn off your phone or silence it.
Be prepared.
1. Get your work history story together.
2. Rehearse your story make sure it flows.
3. No negatives. Keep your story positive.
4. Bring your portfolio – samples of your work.
5. Dress to impress – we want to make sure you look the part before we send you out.

Clean that DESK!
Seriously, can you see the color of your desk? Do you have stacks of random paper on the floor because your desk is so crowded? It’s time to spring clean!
1. Remember these piles – for REVIEW, FILE, TRASH.
2. Everything goes into one of those categories. Be brutal – if you have not filed it in 2 years and it’s not important anymore it goes in TRASH.
3. For REVIEW pile – OK you really don’t need this pile, do you? It’s for people who can’t let go. So, take a closer look, like a 10-second look, and then FILE it or TRASH it. No mercy.
4. Once you get the FILE pile done – FILE it. Don’t leave it in a pile.
5. TRASH pile – throw it out.
6. Set up folders for all important categories so you can sort your mail, paper, etc. daily.
7. Outlook will automatically sort your mail – turn it on. Outlook can automatically put all the notices from groups you don’t need min. by min. updates from in a folder to review later. Even in this day and age of instant communication, do you really need to see everything right now?? Most things can wait.

The Elevator Pitch
Interviewed an HR Director, Robert S. – oh, he’s looking for a job if anyone needs a good HR Director. We started talking about all the ways we network – LinkedIn, Facebook, seminars at outplacement firms, alumni networks, and all the various groups affiliated with LinkedIn. We talked about likes and dislikes of networking and the one thing he said he really missed is the elevator pitch.
I had to ask – an elevator pitch? It’s the 30 seconds you have in an elevator to pitch the Vice President you just happened to run into. It’s your commercial, your 15 minutes of fame in the world of finding a new job or getting a better job. So, Bob (we were on not so formal terms by now) gave me his pitch. It was a good one.
We all need a good “elevator pitch”. You need it for your Facebook page, LinkedIn page, for the 30 seconds standing in front of the networking group. Yes, even in this email/texting/instant messaging age we still sometimes have to talk to people. You need a stutter-free pitch that demonstrates who you are quick without too much fluff. Have you refined your elevator pitch lately? Work on it and get it down pat, it’s a good thing to have.
Other Career Tips From the Bullpen
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For Job Assistance, Resume Help, and Career Advice.
Check out Heidi’s blog, Splitworld.
Unbridgeable Gaps?
The same conversation keeps on repeatedly happening with my clients – lack of talent to hire. They can’t find good, young, talented people who want to work hard and have the communication skills to work. There is a gap in the market. It might be the entitlement that kids felt growing up wealthier before the recession/depression hit? Maybe they’re thinking they don’t need to work hard, or maybe these workers have a different spin on what work looks like? They also have huge.
My advice to anyone young and looking for a job:
- You will work hard with long days and late nights before you earn those six-figure salaries.
- Probably start working in a job that is lower than you originally expected. Learn from it.
- Try to use complete sentences when communicating – the texting should stop when you put your cell phone down.
- Find a mentor at work to help you understand the corporate culture and how to succeed.
Splitworl Blog- Posted by Heidi
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